
Mouse in the Shadows

A hyuran lass with a dark past she typically keeps hidden behind practiced smiles and a neutral countenance. With the voice of an angel she can occasionally be found working as a lounge singer, but more often then not she keeps to herself, preferring to watch people from the sideline while trying to figure out her own place in the world.

This is an IC Profile for the FFXIV character Kerre. Use the buttons below to learn more about this character and thanks for visiting!

Basic Information

Name: Kerre
Nickname: Mouse, Bell
Age: Young Adult
Race: Midlander Hyur (Thavnarian)
Nameday: 25th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (9/25)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: True Neutral
Patron Deity: None
Profession: pianist and lounge singer, retired spy/assassin
Languages: Eorzean Common, Doman, Thavnarian, Sign Language
Birthplace: Thavnair
Residence: None currently
In Character Classes: Ninja, primarily, but she is technically trained with any sort of bladed weapon so most classes involving blades would technically be IC.
Out of Character Classes: Any classes involving magic, mostly.



Hair: Mid-neck length deep red hair kept in a nice neat style with some braids.
Eyes: Bright Green
Height: 5'2"
Build: Petite but somewhat well endowed
Distinguishing Features: Incredibly freckled from head to toe
General Fashion Tastes: While her exact fashion tastes can change from moment to moment, she almost always wears exclusively blacks and dark colors (red being the most common secondary color.) She seems equally at home in cute ruffly attire as she does more form fitted or casual clothing.
Notable Accessories: She keeps a locket tucked away on her person at all time.
Kerre is a short hyuran woman with freckles from head to toe and bright red hair that's usually kept neat and tidy. Her bright green eyes tend to be devoid of much emotion, impassive to the world around her. She's short and for the most part petite of build with a fairly well endowed chest for her frame. She primarily wears all black but her exact fashion styles can change from time to time, leaning mostly towards more elegant stuff on a regular basis.


Positive Qualities: dedicated to her work, confident, has a mysterious air of intrigue to her that tends to draw people in, generally polite even if short spoken
Negative Qualities: hard to read, not the most honest of people, seems to have little qualms about killing people, distant to letting people in past surface levels
Kerre is a quiet woman who tends to prefer staying to the sidelines and watching people then being in the thick of things. Crowded areas can often make her uncomfortable and she will do her best to find the least crowded area in a room. Despite occasionally working as a lounge singer or pianist she isn't the type to actually enjoy being in the spotlight outside of the times she is working. She is polite, well spoken, and will conversate when approached but rarely goes out of her way to be the first to initiate contact. She tends to have a fairly aloof air to her when left to her own devices, regularly getting lost in her own head.


Hobbies: reading, collecting blades, perfecting her craft, playing the piano
Vices: She likes a good drink and isn't opposed to drugs from time to time, but otherwise she isn't much of the hedonist type
Likes: night skies, black flowers, her freckles, ruffles, blades of any kind, tea, soups/stews, earthy scents
Dislikes: people prying too much into her life, being disturbed when she wants to be alone, overly righteous mentalities
Fears: being unable to control her emotions and making a terrible mistake when on a job


Below are various pictures I've received or have taken of them in game. Enjoy!

Char References

none yet


none yet

Screenshots (Current Appearance)

Screenshots (Older Appearances)

Roleplay Information

Looking For

The following is what I'm most looking for in regards to this character and roleplay.

  • clients to work for

  • friendship and/or possible romantic interests

  • enemies/rivals

Normal Haunts

The following are the places you can most likely find this character.

  • Any Main City - Due to her work (both legal and not so legal) she often travels all over and can be found in just about any main city out in the world.

  • Will travel anywhere - As said above, her work takes her anywhere. So it's possible to run into her just about anywhere, if she has a job taking her out that way.

RP Hooks

The following are some possible RP Hooks we can plot off of for our characters to meet/interact with each other! I am always open to other suggestions though should you think of any, just let me know!

  • I have a job for you - Need some spy work done? Got someone you need to take out? If you know how to grease the right palms you may just be able to get yourself in contact of Kerre for whatever elicit job you may have for her.

  • A beautiful Song - Sometimes Kerre will go somewhere with a piano just to play it, not for anyone but herself. Maybe your character will be a lucky soul to come across her as she does so, so sit a while and enjoy.

  • Blades, please - Kerre has perhaps a slight obsession with collecting bladed weapons of just about any type (primarily daggers and short swords). If your character is the type to peddle such wares she may just be in touch.

  • Shall we go on an adventure? - While not common, sometimes Kerre just gets bored and wants to go fight random monsters or take on random adventurer board jobs. If you're looking for a seemingly innocent looking hyur to join your adventerur's squad for a day just to be surprised when she runs circles around you all, feel free to reach out!

  • Care to join me for a drink? - Kerre has a lot of stress in her life, even if she doesnt' let it show on the outside. As such she often likes a good stiff drink, and is more inclined to give people her time if they offer her one.

OOC Information


  • Time Zone: Eastern US (EST)

  • Active Hours: In-game: 7pm-12am weekdays, most times weekends. This is not my main though so please be mindful of that fact and ask for my main's name if you want to keep in touch when I'm not on her.

  • Preferred place to RP: In-game and discord are both welcomed (ask for discord once we've gotten to know each other some, I do not give it until I'm comfortable.) In-Game is my main preference with discord good for continuations or if in-game scheduling is proving difficult.

OOC/RP Guidelines

  • While I am open to RPing with muses of any age, romantic and nsfw content will only be with muns and muses both 18+

  • Avoid metagaming at all, please. All information in this profile is meant for OOC purposes only, and not to be used IC unless your character might know part of it.

  • While I can be a pretty robust writer, I do try to match my partners. So if you want long posts from me, then give me long posts in return. Short posts get short responses. Simple enough.

  • I am comfortable with darker themes (violence, sex, drugs, etc) and am just fine RPing them out as long as they make sense to the story being told between our characters. Any particular heavy themes I would prefer to discuss OOCly first before anything happens ICly.

  • I am not one to really judge too harshly on lore bending, since I do it myself, but if you are completely breaking the lore of the game I may politely decline RPing with you, though wish you all the best in having fun your own way otherwise!

  • OOC and IC are not the same, nor should they ever be treated as such. Anything my character says or does will not always reflect me as the player. I ask that all that I RP with keep this in mind and know how to keep the two separate! No drama please, I'm just here to play barbies with friends and have a good time, yeah?

  • I enjoy all types of RP. Combat, adventure/exploration, bar crawls, casual chatter, romantic, friendly, whatever. I like to see my characters thrive in all walks of their life and enjoy playing out just about anything there is to be played out. If you're looking for a particular type of RP don't hesitate to ask and let's see if we can't make something happen!

  • Please note, that while I enjoy romantic RP and am not opposed to sexual RP I am not looking to live vicariously through my characters. I am not interested in dating you nor am I wanting to cyber with you, no matter what our characters themselves may be getting up to.

  • I enjoy PvE content and am always happy to make RP friends who will also run dungeons and the like with me from time to time! So if you're looking for an RP buddy who will actually run around doing non-RP stuff with you, I'm your gal! I am also very heavily into taking screenshots and take a lot of inspiration from RPs I do to make them, so if you'd like me to do that with our muses do let me know and I'll be sure to keep our RPs in mind when looking for gpose inspiration!

  • This char is not my only char, nor are they my main and as such I am not always on them, but if you are ever interested in other chars of mine and may want to RP with them instead please feel free to give them a look here and see if anyone catches your interest!

Notable Contacts

The following characters have made some sort of impact in Kerre's life. Below each of their pictures/names will be a small snippet of Kerre's thoughts about that person. Pictures of characters will link to their profile!

♥ Romantic Partner || ❣ Casual Lover || ♡ Romantic Interest/Crush || ✿ Family
✤ Friend || ✦ Sparring Partner || ♜ Work Contact
︽ Positive Terms || ︾ Negative Terms || ? Uncertain/Complicated

If you would like your char to be added here feel free to let me know!